Not sure which course is right for you?
We've created a set of free assessments to help evaluate your range of motion.
By completing these video assessments, we can determine if you're experiencing muscular pain. If so, you're in the right place, and we're here to help you find relief.
The assessments are organized by area, making it easier for you to choose the right course for your recovery. Feel free to try all of them, as other areas of your body may also need attention. In our experience, many aches and pains that arise as we age can actually be linked to different parts of the body than where the pain is felt, so it's always worth doing a quick check for any additional issues.
Sign up to receive the self-assessment videos, where you'll learn how to evaluate your condition and determine whether you need medical attention or if this course is right for you.
Make sure you're in a relaxed environment, wearing comfortable clothing, and have a partner available to assist you.
To access the free assessments, simply register below, and we'll send you an email with the link to the videos.
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